If you want to install a plugin on your minecraft server, it's possible and fast at Nitroserv!
For an example of installation, I will install the WorldEdit plugin with Bukkit. If you have another plugin or if you use Bukkit, Spigot or Paper, the principle remains the same.
First, I download my plugin. The plugin file is in .jar, we will transfer it to our server.
In the File tab you can see the latest versions available, since the version I need is the latest one, I can directly “Download Latest File”, otherwise you can check the list of different versions in the files, and download the version that suits you.

To add our.jar to our server, you need to connect to your FTP, if you don't know how to do it, you can follow this guide: https://www.nitroserv.com/guides/utiliser-le-transfert-ftp
Once connected to our remote server, we have access to the Minecraft folder on our server, we click on it, if the plugins folder does not exist, we create it. We name it well plugins !

Once this folder is created, you can access it and move the .jar file that you downloaded earlier. This may take some time, depending on the size of the file.
Go to our manager, we select the right version of the game, with Bukkit again for this example.

We can now restart our server on our manager. To check that the plugin is taken into account, simply enter the /plugins command in the console, and if all is well it shows us the correct plugin.

And that's it, your server has its brand new functional plugin!