
Add and manage a whitelist on a server

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If you want to activate and manage the whitelist on your Minecraft server, here are the steps to follow

  1. Add an admin account (OP) Go to “Player Management” and give yourself the necessary permissions to manage the whitelist
  2. Activate the whitelist To start, you have to go to the “Configuration” tab and go to the white-list line
    If it is set to “false” it is disabled, so it must be replaced by “true”
  3. Restart your server
  4. Through the manager - Go to the “Player Management” tab

    - In the “Whitelist” box on the right, add the player's nickname to the whitelist and press “enter”

    - Save and restart your server
  5. Through the game or the console Use the following commands:

    - /whitelist on: activate the whitelist
    - /whitelist off: deactivate the whitelist
    - /whitelist add nickname: add a player to the whitelist
    - /whitelist remove nickname: remove someone from the whitelist
    - /whitelist reload: force the server to reload the whitelist
    - /whitelist list: display the list of players in the whitelist

You now know how to add and manage a whitelist!

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