Time required: 3 minutes.
How do I play Valheim in HD? You are in the right place!
Nitroserv cannot be held responsible for any malfunction following the installation of this texture that will allow you to play Valheim in HD.
Attention: If you have never uploaded any mods or textures to Valheim, take a look at our various guides to download the fundamentals that are required for this tutorial :
Guide to installing mods on Valheim
Guide to installing textures in Valheim
1. Download HD texture
To play Valheim in HD, let's download the texture “Willybach's HD Valheim” disponible hither.
So once you have reached the link, click on “Girls”.
Then then on “Manual download” :
2. Put the texture in the Custom Textures folder.
Once your file is uploaded in image format (png), open the game plugins folder and insert the texture into your folder “Custom Textures”.
Reminder: to access the plugins folder: Steam\ steamapps\ common\ Valheim\ BePinex\ plugins
So you can now enjoy Valheim in HD thanks to this texture!
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